понедельник, 5 января 2015 г.

С Новым годом! Happy New Year!

Здравствуйте дорогие друзья!
Поздравляю с Новым годом! 
Так получилось, что раньше  не смогла. Семья приболела! 
Очень хочется, чтобы Новый год принес в каждый дом радость, счастье и мир! Пусть все будут живы и здоровы! Пусть будет взаимопонимание и уважение друг к другу!
Завтра в Украине мы будем встречать Рождество Христово!

З Різдвом Христовим!

Hello dear friends!
Happy New Year!
It so happened I couldn't do it before. Family was unwell!
I'd like that New Year has brought joy, happiness and peace to every home! May everybody be safe and sound! Let there be mutual understanding and respect for each other!
We will celebrate Christmas in Ukraine tomorrow!
 Итак! Гирлянда сделана из синельной проволоки. Украшена подарками друзей! В домике вы можете увидеть подарки Кати, Drora, Wyrna, Ксани, Марии, Сары, Анны (к большому сожалению блог закрыт), Анды, Биргит, Лены, Изабель. Большое спасибо, дорогие друзья!
So! Garland is made of chenille wire and decorated with gifts from friends! In the house you can see gifts from Katie, Drora, Wyrna, Ksania, Maria, Sarah, Anna (unfortunately blog is closed), Anda, Birgit, Lena, Isabel. Thank you, dear friends!
 Не смогла удержаться и сделала новогодние шапочки для кота и собачек! :) :) :)
I could not resist and made a New Year's hats for cat and dogs! :) :) :)

Для второго этажа я сделала 5 полок!
I made 5 shelves for the second floor!

Здесь видны три полки. На самой маленькой полочке стоит лампа!
Here three shelves are seen. There is a lamp on the smallest shelf!
Полка над кроватью...
A shelf above the bed ...
И полка над столом! На ней стоит глобус. Подарок Ксани.
There are shelves above the desk too! There is the globe on it. Gift from Ksania.
Еще хочу поделиться радостью. Мой муж подключил мои лампы.  Это так замечательно! Приглашаю посмотреть домик! Извините за качество фотографий.
I also want to share the joy. My husband is hooked up my lamp. This is so wonderful! I invite you to see a house! Sorry for the quality of the photos.

Надеюсь вам понравилось!
I hope you enjoyed it!
Всем хорошей недели!
All have a good week!

59 комментариев:

  1. Como me gusta esa casa y todos y cada uno de sus detalles.
    Feliz 2015

  2. Таня, домик у тебя просто волшебный! С каждым новым предметом в доме становится все уютней и создается полное ощущение, что в доме на самом деле кто-то живет. Новые полочки великолепны! Ну а про свет не чего и говорить! Снимки со светом очень реалистичны. Отблески на стене проявляют фактуру стен и потолка. Блеск!!!

    1. Спасибо, Людочка! Так сложно фотографировать! Эти фотографии более-менее. Считай из 10 фоток только одна!

  3. Hello dear Tatiana! Everything look so wonderful. The cat and dog are adorable with their hats. :)
    I wish you and yours are all well and healthy.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ♥
    Hugs, piikko

    1. Thank you so much! I enjoyed when dressed up cats and dogs! Now they have a holiday too!
      Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year to you, Tatiana! I love your house, it is full of incredibly well made little objects and it seems so comfy!

    1. Dziękuję bardzo! Bardzo się cieszę, że podoba Ci się mój dom!
      Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku, Кamilla!

  5. С Новым Годом и Рождеством, Таня! Счастья и успехов тебе и твоим близким! Как уютно в твоем маленьком домике! Настоящая рождественская атмосфера!

    1. Спасибо Аня! Действительно, я хотела создать миниатюрную рождественскую атмосферу! :):):)
      С Новым Годом и Рождеством, Аня! Самые лучшие пожелания тебе и твоей семье!

  6. What Wonderful photos Tatiana! I Adore the ones with all of your lamps lit and casting warm shadows on the walls! There is so much atmosphere and so much action in every frame. I have to say too, that it gave me a great chuckle seeing the do Lady and her puppy, in there Christmas hats. I looked for the cat but Siam was not there. Then later, there he was in a hat and a boa! Dragging the garland along behind him--- just like a cat would do! So funny!!!! That is what makes your house so special to me, there is never a dull moment, because it is LIVED in every minute! :D
    Happy New Year and Merry Ukrainian Christmas to you! :D


    1. Thank you dear friend for your comment! As we speak, your words to God's ears! I always have a thousand doubts. Now look at the photos and want to swap a lot! Lighting me a little upset. The lamp gives a little light. When take pictures, get a bright spot of light. I can not find a middle ground! :) :) :) I'll look for her ... :) :) :) :) Life goes on!
      Thank you very much for your congratulations! :) :) :)

    2. I know what you speak of when you say you have a 1000 doubts; me too! I believe it is because we live in our little houses and when we invite strangers in, we hope that they will feel as happy, comfortable and contented being inside our tiny domains as we have been. My heart is always in my throat every time I publish my blog.
      But I came back to visit you again to have not only another Look, but also a closer one. The variety of tiny details just blows me away! I have always admired the organized chaos of Gerard's desk. All of the books, inkwell, pen and papers, parchments, spy glass and the lamps etc., ... which has me mesmerized. It is as if someone has just left the scene and will be right back. I Love the collection of perfume bottles that is on the console too, and when I went to look at them closer, there were the set of iron keys that Sarah sent to you! Perfectly placed! :)) They are there but not immediately perceived; adding yet another layer of life to the scene.
      It is like coming in from the freezing cold outside. You step through the front door and rub your hands together appreciating the warmth that surrounds you. Then, when you start to relax and begin to focus on your surroundings, all of those tiny but significant little details breathe in and out, the name of the one who lives here.
      A Beautiful home Tatiana! :D

    3. Thank you dear Elizabeth! I really appreciate your words and feelings! I go into the world of miniatures and forget about the real world! I am very glad that the miniature became a part of my life.
      Oh, a collection of perfume bottles! I've always admired your work! You make ordinary beads work of art! I remember your pictures perfume trays! OOO !!!
      Thank you for your lovely words! I am very happy!

  7. Танечка, с Новым годом и Рождеством! Пусть сбудется всё, что ты написала! Счастья, здоровья и Мира!
    По твоему домику можно гулять, как по Лувру, часами! Он такой обжитой и с трудом верится, что это миниатюра. Восторг!

    1. Спасибо, Леночка!
      От такого мастера слышать такие слова - вдвойне приятно!
      Леночка, с Новым годом и Рождеством!

  8. Muy Feliz Año Nuevo.
    Tu casa,día a día es mas acogedora y maravillosa,cada detalle la enriquece,resulta un lugar mágico

  9. Muchas gracias Pilar!
    Estoy muy contento!
    Feliz Año Nuevo!

  10. Bonne année à vous et votre famille Tatiana. C'est un plaisir de regarder en détails les photos et de découvrir tous ces petits objets dans l'agréable désordre de votre maison.

    1. Merci beaucoup. Je suis très heureux de lire vos mots!
      Bonne année à vous et votre famille Jean-Claude!

  11. Wonderful minis! Happy New Year, Dear Tatiana! Hugs, Melli

  12. Happy New Year! The visit of your house was delightful.

  13. un bel ensemble réussi
    heureuse année de paix et de bonheur

  14. Es una maravilla el reportaje que has hecho sobre la casa, podemos ver todos y cada uno de los detalles que riene a la perfección.

  15. Dear Tatiana, I wish you Merry Christmas and a my very best wishes for 2015!!
    What wonderful pictures of your amazing dolls house, it's filled with so many well made and detailed beautiful miniatures :D! There's no need to doubt, dear friend, you always use your great creativity and lovely imagination and that's why you've invented so much fantastic miniatures :D! Moreover, you're always so generous in sharing your tutorials, this time you even share with us how you did the shelves, so thank you again.
    Oh, I almost forget: I love the lighting, all the lamps are giving so much warmth to your cosy house.
    Warm hug, Ilona

    1. Thank you for the lovely comment dear Ilona! You're absolutely right, the lighting gives the home comfort and warmth! I became like a little, I turn on the light and look in the window! And there is a little magical world!
      Best wishes in 2015!

  16. Hi Tatiana, Those hats for the dogs and cat are really precious--I just love them so much! You are so creative and talented. Your house looks beautiful all lit up--how exciting! xo Jennifer

    1. Thank you very much, Jennifer! I think the cat and dog are perfectly happy! They liked the New Year hats! :) :) :) I really hope that they do not smash the house! :) :) :)

  17. Tatiana I love your house it has so many amazing details. I love the lighting it makes it so warm and cozy. I have enjoyed wondering around your wonderful house thank you for sharing. Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2015.
    Warm Hugs Maria

    1. Dear Maria!
      Thank you very much for your kind wishes!
      I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!
      Warm Hugs

  18. Great that I can wish once more Merry Christmas... so Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for this wonderful post - every single picture was a feast for the eye. All your scenes are so full with details and everyone right in the perfect plase. You've created a welcoming, cozy atmosphere... and gave me a big smile with your furry stuff in their party costumes... ;O)


    1. Oh, Birgit! I am glad that my furry residents called your smile! I think they were very happy to receive New Year hats! I read thanks to their good eyes! :) :) :) :)
      Spasio for the congratulations!
      Happy New Year 2015

  19. Oh so wonderful Tatiana! The photos are amazing!!! The colors of this house are so rich and wonderful all the miniatures are well placed and each thing belongs in its spot.

    The Christmas makeover is so adorable with the animals looking sweet and tangled in the decorations!

    Wonderful work as always lady your truly a talented mini craftsman!

    1. Oh, Jane, I am very pleased to read your comments! You are such a talented miniaturist! I enjoyed your words! I am very glad that you liked my residents in this hectic Christmas!
      Happy New Year!

  20. Ответы
    1. Querida Carmen!
      Me alegro de que te haya gustado mi casa de muñecas!
      Les deseo un Feliz Nuevo 2015!

  21. Таня, привет! Твой дом невероятен!!! Я смотрю на фото, мне все время приходится себя одергивать мысленно, что это миниатюрный дом, а не настоящий!!!))) Настолько все тщательно и продуманно! сколько труда!!! И конечно же любви! Желаю тебе в новом году продолжать твое увлечение, развивать его, находить новые решения!! Может быть в этом году появится новый дом?:-)

    1. Спасибо, Галочка! Если честно, то стою на пороге 2015 года в большом раздумье. Вопросы есть, ответов нет...

  22. Your house is wonderful with many gifts. I like the dog and cat with hats.
    Happy 2015!

  23. Настоящее чудо. До слёз прекрасно! Поздравляю, ты (ничего, что на "ты"?) - волшебница. Сказка наяву :) спасибо!

    1. Большое спасибо! Можно на "ты"!
      Очень, очень приятно!

  24. It's fabulous! So many delights. I love the rock collections, and the flaked paint/plaster behind. And the garland is fantastic. Great shelves too. If I was 5 inches tall, I would be in there for hours looking at all the bits and pieces :D Glad you have the lamps hooked up! Thrilled to see the keys too, they look very happy beside the perfume bottles, which I also love :D Happy New Year to you too :)

  25. Had to go back for another look. Pencil tops for the tins! So clever! :D

  26. Спасибо Танюша!! Мне очень приятно!
    С Новым годом и Рождеством!!

  27. Wow! So festive and beautiful! I love everything and look and admire your fantastic work. The lights are wonderful for the indoors. Your new shelves are incredible. This house should be published in a dollhouse magazine for more people to share.
    A warm hug, Drora

    1. Thank you very much for your wonderful comments! I am very pleased to read your words!
      A warm hug,

  28. Таня, это так замечательно!!! Разглядывать можно часами! Дождусь ли я панорамного фото "на ладошке"??? Я не могу до сих пор оценить масштаб Букиниста!

    1. Спасибо, Катюша! Я все делала в масштабе 1 : 12.. Что ты имеешь ввиду панорамного фото "на ладошке"?

    2. Фото, где ты на фоне дома, или дом на фоне тебя - панорамный снимок! Это будет шок!!! Ведь так все натурально сделано, и вдруг "камера отъезжает" и - разрыв шаблона)))

  29. А... поняла! Подумаю над этим.
