воскресенье, 9 декабря 2018 г.

Мои работы. My recent works.

Дорогие друзья, спасибо за комментарии. Я благодарю за ваше активное участие в выборе имени для тролля. Шарль и Шарлотта передают вам спасибо и свою волшебную магию.
Dear friends, thanks for the comments. I thank you for your active participation in choosing the name for the troll. Charles and Charlotte give you thanks and their magic.
Я получила новогодние подарки от друзей, но покажу их в следующем сообщении.
А сейчас хочу показать работы, которые я еще не показывала.
В феврале 2018 у нас проходила выставка "Зубная фея" Я подготовила 2 работы, первая называлась "Верный друг!"
I received Christmas gifts from friends, but I will show them in the next message.
And now I want to show the work that I have not shown.
In February 2018 an exhibition "Tooth Fairy" was held here. I prepared 2 works, the first one is called "A loyal friend!"

Вторая называлась " Когда люди спят"
The second one is "When people are sleeping"

Сейчас проходит выставка Ангелов в Киеве, в Киево печерской Лавре.
Now there is an exhibition of Angels in Kiev, in Kiev Pechersk Lavra.
Я сделала работу, которая называется "Благання"
I made a work called “Рleading” days ago.

Я очень переутомилась, когда создавала эти образы.  Домик троллей был для меня лекарством.
И хочу показать двух малышей, которых я сделала пару дней назад. Это была оздоравливающая релаксация! :) :) :)
I was very tired while creating these miniatures. The troll house was a cure for me.
I want to show two babies that I made a couple of days ago. It was a healthy relaxation! :) :) :)

Всем хорошего выходного!
Have a great weekend everyone!

36 комментариев:

  1. Ohhhhh!!! Qué admirable trabajo, Tatiana!!! Felicidades! Todo me encanta, pero tu "amigo leal" me ha llegado directamente al corazón, maravilloso!!! ♥

    1. Me alegro de que te haya gustado mi "¡Verdadera amiga! ¡Muchas gracias, Elena!

  2. Charles and Charlotte, beautiful name.
    The first creation "Loyal friend" is enchanting and exciting.
    All your creations are simply wonderful.

  3. The troll house was also a cure for me
    I admire the friendship illustrated by this boy and his dog. They are both perfect in their attitudes. The couple of dancers is irresistible :-) and the statue is amazing truth!

    1. I wanted to write, congratulations Tatiana!

    2. Merci beaucoup, Claude! Je suis content que vous ayez apprécié la maison des trolls! Je suis très content!

  4. Работы потрясающие! Просто сплошной восторг. Но больше всего мне, как заядлому поттероману, понравились мандрагорки ))) милашные создания!

    1. Спасибо, мандрагорки действительно милахи!

  5. Tatiana,has creado unos personajes increíbles!!! me encantan todos,pero ese perro es maravilloso,parece que esté vivo!!!
    Enhorabuena por tanta maestría como demuestras al modelar.

  6. Wow, what a master piece your Loyal Friend is, Tatiana, you're such a talented doll maker. I love the dog, who is in paint with his master, great expressions of the dog's snout an the master's face. Allthough the master wouldn't care about his expressions, but I guess more about his teeth ;O.
    Your second masterpiece of the tooth brushes is phenomenal, I wasn't aware of the fact they had expressions, but these tooth brushes are elegant, tender and great. I think I'll now will take a good look at my tooth brush this evening and see what they're doing to night when I'm asleep ;).
    Your angels are speaking for themselves, what an emtional and speaking figure, Tatiana, you can feel your weariness in it!
    We have seen your trolls house and seen your pleasure for making it. The mandrakes and the apples are too cute, great work! I hope you'll will continue to relax, it shows in your excellent work, dear friend!
    Warm hugs, Ilona

    1. Dear Ilona! Thank you for such an extensive and pleasant comment. I believe that the dolls come to life at night! :) :) :) Why can't toothbrushes dance at night? :) :) :) I am very pleased that you like my dolls! I love your dolls!

  7. Wow, what eye candy on a Monday morning… I'm in awe with all your works, although they're so different in style all of them show your extraordinary talent… and I think having a big variety of talents is a talent of its own. "The loyal friend" scene is outstanding… of course because the figurines are exquisite... but even more because it tells so much. I could write books about aching teeth and crisis dates with the dentist! *LOL* And you've brought it to the point - in hard times a good friend is priceless. And the next installment is so funny... and of course well done. What a great idea… and I like the fact that this exhibition had such an unusual motto… which you've turned into stunning pieces of art. And speaking of art - this angel scene is awesome... what an expression in the angel's face! And last but not least - your mandrakes are way too cute… I wonder what kind of mischief they're up too. And so nice that Charlotte has now her Charlie! ;O)


    1. Dear Birgit! Thank you for the wonderful words! My dolls squeak with delight! They are very sensitive to such wonderful words!

  8. Again you amaze me with your stunning work. "The loyal friend" is a very touching scene. Both the man and the dog are fantastic works of art. The tooth brushes are so funny, Is that what they do when we are asleep at night?....
    I love the mandrakes. Your sense of humor is noticed in them.
    But most of all the Angel of Mercy is my favorite.

    1. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

    2. Dear Drorа! Your words have touched my heart! Thank you very much!

  9. Great choice for the names! Charles is even better than Charlie.
    Wonderful miniatures!!! I love the scene with the man and the dog.

  10. Has hecho un trabajo fantástico, todas tus creaciones lo son.
    Me gusta todo pero las mandrágoras me han encantado !!!

  11. Creo que eres estupenda modelando. Todos tus trabajos son preciosos e imaginativos. Me encanta el movimiento que le has dado al perro.

  12. Dear Tatiana, your sculptures are wonderful! But the dancing Toothbrushes are Perfect!!! LOL! I love the idea! :) The magical mandrake roots and apples are very well made! And I am very curious to see more of the Troll's house!

  13. Dear Tatiana, your works are amazing! They are all very VERY beautiful but the Troll's house is my favourite!
    -Have a lovely week!
    Hugs, piikko

    1. Troll talo osoittautui ihana! Hän on maaginen! Hän toi minulle paljon iloa!
      Kiitos kommentista! Olen erittäin tyytyväinen!

  14. Привет, Танюша! Я рада, что ты заглянула в блог! Ты права, труда вложено много! Я очень впечатлительная. Когда создавала мужичка с флюсом, у меня появилась та же проблемма, с ангелом молилась и плакала, а вот мандрагоры заставили меня улыбаться! Спасибо тебе.

  15. Your work is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!! ❤️ I am so taken by your character dolls, Tatialna. Their poses are so natural and life-like , and even the dancing toothbrushes are full of fluid movement and expression. You can immediately read the story in their eyes, and their postures; but OH MY..... the statue "Pleading" clutches at my heart- such grief! and such weight It is no wonder that you needed to lighten you mind with the playful Ginsing babies in the fruit basket.
    I take my hat off to you Tatiana , a true ARTIST! 5 STARS! ★★★★★


    1. Спасибо, дорогой друг! Мне очень приятно, что вы понимаете меня! Каждая кукла является частью моей жизни. Я радуюсь и рыдаю вместе с ними. С уважением, Татьяна

  16. Wow! Your sculptures are amazing!!
    They are absolutely perfect and show the emotions you put in their name. The loyal friend is so sweet and Pleading shows the pain.
    And your mandrake babies are adorable!

  17. Этот комментарий был удален администратором блога.
