понедельник, 3 февраля 2020 г.

Здравствуйте дорогие друзья!
Спасибо большое за ваши замечательные комментарии и поздравления! 
Я хочу показать подарки, которые получила от друзей.
 Замечательные миниатюры от Дроры!
Hello dear friends!
Thank you very much for your wonderful comments and congratulations!
I want to show the gifts I received from my friends.
Wonderful miniatures from Drora!
Мы все любим домики! Я обожаю эти домики!
We all love houses! I adore these houses!
 Эта работа вызывает восторг. Целая новогодняя композиция поместилась в скорлупе ореха Супер!
This work is a delight. A whole New Year composition fits in a nut shell! Superb!
 Я люблю цветы, которые делает Дрора!
I love the flowers that Drora makes!
Я получила кусок тонкой кожи. 
I got a piece of thin skin

Спасибо, дорогой друг! Я очень счастлива!
Thanks, dear friend! I'm very happy!

Второй подарок прибыл от дорогой Биргит! 
The second gift came from my dear Birgit!
Новогодняя открытка ручной работы!
Handmade New Year card!
 Календарь на 2020 год!  Я люблю ваших пушистых фотозвезд, я люблю ваш календарь!
Calendar for 2020! I love your fluffy photo stars, I love your calendar!

                    Мечта любого миниатюриста!  Миниатюрные мелочи! Их очень много!
                        The dream of any miniaturist! Tiny little things! There are lots of them!

 Три веселых снеговика! 
Three funny snowmen!

Да....  Очень вкусные конфеты в очень полезной коробке! Были....  Они очень быстро исчезли!
Yes .... Very tasty sweets are in a very useful box! Were .... They disappeared very quickly!

Спасибо , дорогая Биргит!
Thank you dear Birgit!

Прошло полгода с последнего моего сообщения. Я показывала  детали своих работ. Сейчас я покажу свои конкурсные работы. Работа называется " Верные друзья"
Six months have passed since my last message. I showed the details of my work. Now I will show my new work. It is called "True Friends"

 Дорогая Дрора! Жилетка  и сумка сделаны из кожи, которую вы мне прислали! Спасибо!
Dear Drora! The vest and bag are made of leather that you sent me! Thanks!
Вторая работа называется " Профессор Помона Стебель (Гарри Поттер)
The second work is called Professor Pomona Sprout (Harry Potter)

Спасибо за внимание, дорогия друзья!
Thank you, dear friends!

25 комментариев:

  1. Hi Tatiana! Good to read another blog post of you, I missed you! Enjoy all of these thoughtful and wonderful gifts, which have been sent to you by your dear friends, Drora and Birgit.
    But your new works: they're pure artworks, you're such a very talented dollmaker, Tatiana, the True Friends and Professor Pomona are gorgeous, excellent........and the dog: amazing work!! I always love seeing your dolls :)!!
    Warm hugs, Ilona

    1. I was glad when I received packages from friends! Drora and Birgit are very kind and generous ladies. I really want to find time to communicate on the blog! ...
      I thank you for the wonderful comment! I am very pleased.

  2. felicidades por tus regalos, pero sobre todo por tus personajes!

  3. Your new works are fantastic, both dolls are so perfect and make great scenes.
    Gorgeous gifts too.

    1. Thank you very much, Geneviève! I am very pleased to read your words!

  4. Felicidades por esos preciosos regalos.
    El personaje de Harry Potter es fantástico.

  5. Dear Tatiana, your sculptures are wonderful! I Love Pomona Sprout! She is absolutely perfect!! The gifts you got are lovely and useful too! Happy New Year!

    1. Dear Betsy! I love the novel by Joanne Rowling. I am pleased with your words! Thanks!
      Happy New Year!

  6. Tatiana,que gusto poder leerte de nuevo y disfrutar de tus nuevos trabajos!! Son impresionantes,verdaderas obras de arte en miniatura,no sabría decirte cual me gusta más,son perfectos,llenos de pequeños detalles que hacen que cobren vida con sólo mirarlos!!!Mi más sincera admiración!
    Disfruta de tan maravillosos regalos!

    1. Muchas gracias por tan maravillosas palabras, Pilar! Estoy muy contento!

  7. Dear Tatiana, Both true friends and Professor Pomona Sprout are works of art in miniature. Such perfect characters, including the dog. Their expression say it all. I'm so pleased you found use for that piece of leather. Enjoy Birgit's and my gifts.
    Hugs, Drora

  8. Beautiful gifts from dear friends.
    Your new work is fantastic; the dolls are perfect and the scenes are so realistic.

  9. OMG!!! I was so happy to find a comment of yours on my blog and to see a new post from you popping up… this alone was a reason to be very happy. But what you've shown here blew me away! Your newest figurines are stunning! True pieces of art - your talent never stops to amaze me.

    The sculpting of the human part of the "True friends" and Professor Sprout is incredibly good - they have so much character. And not to forget the helpful doggie - what a lovely chap. So far I did not know that dogs also retrieve pumpkins - but I suppose that's the difference between a common dog and a true friend. *smile*

    But I must also point out how awesome the clothes of your figurines are - and what a lovely detail that you used leather sent from dear Drora. For example the socks and the shirt of the big friend are gorgeous. And Professor Sprout… I love every single detail about her... the rubber boots, the dirty gardener gloves, her ear protectors, her stunning hat... wonderful work.

    And speaking of wonderful - I also admired the settings where you arranged your work. The stonework is impressive and the scene for Professor Sprout is not missing a thing. So good I'm too far away to hear the screams of that mandrake.*grin* And the cats… especially the ginger one hiding under the table. Ah... did you notice how much I enjoyed this post? ;O)

    I'm glad that I could send you some Christmas joy - and Drora's gifts are wonderful as always from our dear friend.


    1. Hi Birgit! How nice to read your comment! I am happy that you appreciated the clothes of my heroes. I found photos of Professor Pomona’s clothes in the Hollywood Museum. I tried hard. :) :) :) A little snail sits on her collar :) :) :) You brought me a lot of joy. I'm smiling! :) :) :) Thank you very much for the wonderful words and gifts !!!


  10. Felicidades por tus bonitos regalos, y felicidades por tus increíbles personajes, son fantásticos.
    Me encanta la mandrágora.

  11. Qué bonitos regalos, Tatiana y qué impresionantes tus personajes! No me canso de mirarlos; conmueven y emocionan, felicidades!!! ♥

    1. Muchas gracias ¡Realmente me gusta esculpir muñecas! ¡Quiero que se vean vivos! :) :) :) :)♥

  12. Bonecos maravilhosos!!!! Muitos parabéns! Uma grande artista,

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