Здравствуйте друзья!
У меня радостное событие! Получила подарок от прекрасного друга из Израиля! Дрора щедрая, внимательная и отзывчивая леди! Ее миниатюры сделаны с большой любовью и мастерством!
Посмотрите на эти замечательные миниатюры!
Ах, какое кресло! Я с удовольствием бы подремала в этом кресле после обеда! В комплект входит маленький столик! Две чудесные сумки для моей рыжей леди! Я думаю она будет счастлива!
Hello friends!
I have a happy event! Received a gift from a wonderful friend from Israel! Drora is generous, attentive and responsive lady! Her miniatures are made with great love and skill!
Look at these wonderful miniatures!
Oh, what a chair! I would love to nap in the chair in the afternoon! The kit includes a small table! Two wonderful bags for my red lady! I think she'll be happy!
Чайник-лягушка, красивая декоративная лампа, туфли. А какой плетеный коврик!!!!
Одну конфету съела! Даже не помню как!
Teapot-frog, beautiful decorative lamp, shoes. And what a braided rug!!
Just ate a piece of candy! I do not remember how!
Дорогая Drora!!!!
Большое спасибо!
Вы меня сделали счастливой!!!
А теперь наслаждайтесь этой красотой!
Dear Drora!!!!
Thank you very much!
You have made me happy!
And now enjoy this beauty!
Мне кажется, что Леди очень довольна! А как думаете вы???
I think that lady is very happy! What do you think???
Жерар оказался очень шустрый! Коврик утащил в свой дом!!!
Gerard turned out very nimble! Mat was dragged to his house!
Так прекрасно смотрится!!!!
Such great look!!
Что скажете?????
What do you say?????
Наилучшие пожелания!
Best wishes!
I love everything! Drora is so generous and talented! You lady is beautiful. I like that she can pose. Such pretty curtains! Thanks for sharing! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you very much! I love Droras miniatures!
Чудесные подарки! А рыженькая Леди то как обрадовалась)))
ОтветитьУдалитьСпасибо, Юличка!
УдалитьЯ обрадовалась еще больше!!!!!
I've just admired your gifts from Wyrna and now I see the most beautiful gifts from Drora... and I spotted something on that card! Sorry, I didn't know it... but take my very best (belated I suppose) birthday wishes - all the best for you!!! - The lady looks indeed happy - but how could she not... Drora's beautiful gifts are just perfect for her, everything made with love, care and so much talent. And I think Gerard is happy, too... that rug looks fantastic in his house.
Dear Birgit!
УдалитьThank you very much for your congratulations! Yes, yes, yes ... I had a birthday ... But I do not celebrate a birthday because of the unfortunate events in our family ....
I am very grateful to you for your attention!
I also have seen the card of Drora: it was your birthday? I didn't know it, but here are my best (belated) birthday wishes to you, Tatiana :D!!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd again, you have received wonderful gifts, this time it was Drora, another kind and generous woman in the blog world, enjoy it all! I see that your red haired lady and Gerard did ;)!
Big hugs, Ilona
Dear Ilona!!
УдалитьThank you so much!!
Yes, the three of us are very happy! :) :) :)
Подарки великолепны! Дрора, прекрасный мастер.
ОтветитьУдалитьКак-то у меня сложилось впечатление, что Мадама огненных волос живет отдельно от Жерара? Я права? Вот и имущество делят :)))) Не притерлись характерами? :))
Спасибо, Людочка!
УдалитьДа, Drora замечательный миниатюрист!
Ты совершенно права! Из-за коврика почти подрались! :):):)
Но так как большая часть подарков досталась Леди, то она сделала широкий жест!!!! :):):)
А я говорила, что эта мадама с Амстердама окрутила доверчивого беднягу Жерара! Надеюсь, дом он на нее не переписал? )))))))
УдалитьHi Tatiana! It was your birthday? O, well happy belated birthday! 3 kisses from Holland!
ОтветитьУдалитьWhat beautiful gifts Drora sent you. They are magnificent! That rug!!! Amazing!
I love your Lady! I only saw her when you were still making her, I will have to read all about her on your blog. She looks fabulous!
Big hugs,
Enhorabuena por esos preciosos regalos.
ОтветитьУдалитьI definitely think your lady is happy. I would be.
ОтветитьУдалитьI also think that Lady is very happy for everything she reserved from dear Drora. And so are you! :) Enjoy!
ОтветитьУдалитьA very beautiful gift from a talented friend.
ОтветитьУдалитьПоздравляем Вас с замечательными подарками!
ОтветитьУдалитьDear Tatiana,
ОтветитьУдалитьYou deserve everything and much more. I am very happy that your found use for all these minis and that both the lady and Gerard are pleased.
Hugs, Drora
Congratulations Tatiana your gifts from Drora are all wonderful. Drora is a very talented generous friend. Enjoy your beautiful treasures. Happy belated Birthday.
ОтветитьУдалитьHugs Maria
Felicidades de nuevo, los regalitos son una maravilla.
ОтветитьУдалитьHello Tatiana! These gifts from Drora have already become a part of your family. It is grand when the gifts from our friends make themselves comfortable right away within our mini homes. The handbags are wonderful and I love the poses of your redhead while holding them. And I can see that Gerard has made a good move getting that mat over to his place before your lady could stop him. It is Perfect there in the entrance.
ОтветитьУдалитьBut she can visit it whenever she drops by! :D
Have fun and A Very Happy Birthday to you my Dear Lady!
Really beautiful gift! Hugs, Melli
ОтветитьУдалитьDrora's gifts are the cutest! That rug would go into any decor. It's so perfect.
Drora is both talented and generous. Her gifts are so thoughtful and beautiful. Congratulations on these beauties. Your scenes are lovely, and the rug looks perfect in Gerard's house! xo Jennifer
ОтветитьУдалитьYou had a birthday? happy birthday =)
ОтветитьУдалитьI can see that your sweet lady is happy too =) You got great things!
Dear Tatiana
ОтветитьУдалитьCongratulations on the wonderful gifts from Drora. They are so fine and you show them perfectly.