суббота, 7 февраля 2015 г.

Миниатюра 1 : 144. Miniature 1 : 144.

Здравствуйте дорогие друзья!
Мне трудно объяснить свое внутреннее состояние. Появилось большое нежелание делать что-либо. Может быть потому, что вся семья переболела гриппом, может быть из-за тяжелых новостей в нашей стране, может быть потому, что за окнами холодно и мокро.  И тут приходят две посылки! Одна из Дании, вторая из Испании. О, это так замечательно! Настроение сразу улучшилось, появилось желание творить! Почему масштаб 1 : 144? Узнаете чуть позже!
Итак, миниатюрная кровать из запекаемого пластика Cernit. Постельные принадлежности... из папиросной сжатой бумаги!
Hello dear friends!
It's hard to explain my internal state. There was a great reluctance to do anything. Maybe because the whole family had been ill with the flu, or because of hard news in our country, possibly because it is cold and wet outside. And here come two parcels! One is from Denmark, the second is from Spain. Oh, this is so wonderful! The mood immediately improved, there was a desire to create! Why the scale of 1 : 144? Find it out a bit later!
So tiny bed is made of baked plastic Cernit. Bedding ... they are made from compressed tissue paper!

 Прикроватные тумбочки слеплены из Cernit. Лампы сделаны из бисера. Духи сделаны из маленьких шариков, которые используют как украшение для ногтей.
Bedside tables are made from Cernit too. Lamps are made from beads. Perfumes are made from small balls that are used as decoration for nails.

А теперь я покажу вам подарок от Wyrna.  Невероятно красивый шкаф.
And now I am going to show you a gift from Wyrna. Incredibly beautiful cabinet.
 И маленький ангел , который находится на полке в этом шкафу! В шкафу предусмотрены полки для миниатюрного дома!!!!  
Дорогая Wyrna!
Большое спасибо за прекрасный подарок!
Я очень счастлива!
And the little angel that is on the shelf inside! The cabinet shelves themselves are miniature house !!!!
Dear Wyrna!

Thank you for a wonderful gift!
I am very happy!

 Я распечатала на принтере полы, обои, двери. 
I printed out the floors, wallpaper, doors.
 Я сразу наклеивала окна, шторы и двери. А потом вклеивала заготовку в шкаф.
I immediately pasted windows, blinds and doors. And then pasted the workpiece in the cabinet.
 Вот посмотрите, что получилось! Шторы сделаны из папиросной жатой бумаги и кружев.
Here's a look what happened! Curtains are made of tissue paper and ruffled lace.

Теперь можно поставить мебель в спальню.
Now we can put the furniture in the bedroom.

 Как эти маленькие человечки подняли на 3 этаж такую огромную спичку?
How did that little people pull such a huge match to the 3rd floor?

 В кухне есть только стол. Стол сделан из запекаемой пластики Cernit.
There is only the table in the kitchen. It is made of Cernit.
 Вся мебель сделана из Cernit.
All furniture is made of Cernit too.

Я очень рада, что у меня появилось желание творить! Спасибо дорогая Wyrna!
I am very glad that I have the desire to create again! Thank you dear Wyrna!
 А теперь посмотрите на чудесный подарок от Кармен. Набор бронзовых кастрюлек, прекрасные тарелки, папка с бумагами и книга для самых умных! Да, повезло Жерару! :) :) :)
And now look at the wonderful gift from Carmen. Set of bronze pans, beautiful plates, folder with papers and a book for the smartest! Yes, lucky Gerard is! :) :) :)

 Большое спасибо Кармен
Вы сделали мой день счастливым!
Many thanks to Carmen!
You have made my day happy!
Кастрюли и тарелки очень хорошо вписались в интерьер!
Pans and dishes very well fit the interior!
 Эти батоны я сделала из Cernit.
Loaf is made of Cernit.
 Придется теперь Жерару решать логические задачи! Скоро он станет очень умный! :) :) :)
Gerard will now have to solve logical problems! He will become very smart soon! :) :) :)

 Здесь я чуть-чуть хвастаюсь своим только что испеченным, свежим батоном! :) :)
Here I boast my newly baked loaf :) :)

Наилучшие пожелания для всех!
Best wishes to everybody!

62 комментария:

  1. Fantastic work, Tatiana! Your tiny house looks so beautiful with your wallpapers and furniture--what fun! Congratulations on all of your gorgeous gifts from Wyrna and Carmen. I'm so glad you feel like creating again! xo Jennifer

  2. Dear Tatiana! I'm sorry to hear that you have had a difficult time and thereby you couldn't create anything in miniature, but I'm glad that you're back now and how :D!!
    Wyrna has spoiled you so much with this gorgeous cabinet, which also is a tiny dollshouse for a dollshouse, enjoy it all :)! The furniture you've already made for this house is awesome, it looks very realistic even in this tiny scale.
    Congratulations on the gift of Carmen too, she is a very generous, kind and inventive miniaturist, enjoy her gifts :)!
    Your Gerard is such a lucky man, I'm sure he will be thrilled with all of his new stuff :D!
    Here, in The Netherlands, there are many people sick because of the flu now, so take care for your family and for yourself, Tatiana.
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your "blockade" although it's indeed understandable... and I think all of us sometimes have the impression that our creativity went on vacation. So let's thank Wyrna for sending you this stunning gift at the best of times - not only spoiling you with this fantastic piece but also bringing you back to minature work. And what a work you've done - I must admit I was always fascinated by this special cabinet but never had the courage to try. Now I can enjoy yours, your work with the windows, wallpapers etc. is awesome and the furniture incredibly well made. I'm curious to see more. And not to forget - wonderful gifts from Carmen!


  4. Hi Tania,
    your new micro-furnitures are such adorable. The cupboard from Wyrna is now a adorable house.
    Warm hugs!

  5. Amazing work, I love your 1:144 dollhouse very much. You got a wonderful gift. Hugs, Melli

  6. Таничка, я так рада за тебя! Это так здорово, когда после полной пустоты накрывает желанием творить!!! Даже немного завидую тебе, меня давно так не накрывало, заказы не дают впасть в тоску ))))) Миниатюры великолепны! Теперь ты меня понимаешь, как круто держать в руках такой малюсенький мир?!

  7. The bedroom is amazing! The cabinet is incredible. And I love seeing the bed in place. I'm glad minis have lifted your mood.

  8. I can see why you are now creating again. You have such great inspiration! Everything is so lovely. I cant imagine making a house so small!

  9. Lamento que hayas pasado por la enfermedad de tu familia,la gripe es fuerte este año,espero que todos estén recuperados.
    Realmente las noticias de tu país son muy alarmantes,comprendo la preocupación,espero que se resuelva pronto y favorablemente.
    El regalo de Wyrna ha hecho que vuelva la inspiracion,que maravillosos muebles has creado y muy realistas,esa casa quedara inmejorable.
    Los regalos de Carmen geniales.

  10. You've done an amazing job of the 1:144 scale cabinet. The decoration is perfect. Hope you are feeling much better =0)

  11. Oooh! All so beautiful and realistic! Lovely photos too. Thanks to Wyrna, Carmen and YOU, I also got an enjoyable moment. :)
    Have a nice Sunday Tatiana!

  12. Bonjour Tatiana,
    je suis heureux que ces beaux cadeaux vous ont ôté vos idées noires et vous ont redonné l'envie de créer cette mignonne mini maison.

  13. Танечка, какая прелесть у тебя появилась! Диву давалась, когда разглядывала обстановку в шкафу )))) такое всё ювелирное! А сам шкаф - о, мечта!
    Желаю неиссякаемого творческого вдохновения! Жерару привет )))

  14. Que fantástico el regalo de Wyrna, esos armarios casita son encantadores! Te está quedando de lo mas bonito, eres una gran artista!
    Me alegro que estés mejor, cuidense mucho.

  15. Nothing better to improve your mood than receiving these wonderful gifts. The little wardrobe that serves as a tiny dollhouse is gorgeous!
    Wyrna and Carmen are very generous friends. You already made some fantastic decorations and will have much fun finishing the rest.
    I hope you and your family are well now and wish you good health.
    hugs, Drora

  16. Wonderful gifts from great friend. The tiny dollhouse in the cabinet is amazing.
    Hope you are feeling better.

  17. quel joli lit pour cette mini maison !
    de bien jolis cadeaux

  18. El gabinete es precioso y los muebles absolutamente geniales.
    Me encanta como está quedando.

  19. precioso armario ! me encanta ver mis minis en tu casita....al fin!

  20. Спасибо, Танюша!
    Очень надеюсь...

  21. Oh!!! What Wonderful gifts!!! The cabinet house from Wyrna is Awesome! So are the pots and plates from Carmen.
    Someday I hope to make a mini dollhouse in a cabinet like that! So good to see you found your mini making again! The tiny pieces with tissue paper are just Amazing!!!

    1. Thank you so much! I think that making miniature in scale 1: 144 is a lot of fun!

  22. I m sorry your family was ill Tatianna, with the stress of whats happening in your country it must take its toll on health. My best to you and yours in this time.

    Your gifts are fantastic, they are all so beautiful and what a wonderful creation to make the 144th scale miniature scene in the cabinet!

    Your bedding look so amazing at that scale and your furniture is stunning, wonderful work lady!

    1. I am very pleased to read your words! Thank you very much for your kind comments!

  23. Wonderful gifts from fantastic friends. I love Carmen's plates and the pots are wonderful. The cabinet from Wyrna is amazing I love the furniture you have made for it fantastic kick start :) I hope you and your family are recovering well.
    Hugs Maria

  24. Oh Tatiana! I am so excited for you and the lovely Baby House from Wyrna, that you are already furnishing so Beautifully!!! How incredibly small but how Wonderfully fitted out! The furniture is Perfect and the tissue paper curtains which are often the most difficult to make appear real, could NOT BE ANY BETTER! You are one Amazingly Talented Lady!!!! :D
    The pots and the dishes from Carmen are also, very well suited to Gerard's house; they look as if they have Always been there! Isn't it a Great feeling when mini parcels arrive in the mail? Especially ones that not only gladden the heart but inspire you to Greatness! :D This was far more fun than being sick with the flu, I hope that everyone is on their way to feeling better, because I know that YOU Are! :))

    elizabeth :D

    1. I agree that small gifts improve mood. Wyrna and Carmen are incredibly attentive and generous ladies! I am grateful to them!
      Now I have to plunge into the scale of 1 : 144.
      Thanks for the comment, Elizabeth!

  25. I'm glad miniatures made you feel better. Your work in 1/144th is amazing, the curtains are fabuluous. You got great gifts.

  26. Привет Таня! Какие замечательные подарки! Особенно идея преобразить шкаф в домик! А кровать это нечто! Я и не думала, что это бумага! Буду следить с удовольствием за проектом:)

    1. Аня, это специальный шкаф для кукольного дома. Там даже лестница родная!

  27. Aw Tatiana, it's gorgeous, what a great project to work on. I love those 1:144 houses. It's on my list of things to do (really long list :D ) You've done everything really neatly too, not easy. I can relate to spending time on the floor looking for dropped pieces, sometimes I find them weeks later, when looking for something else. Glad to hear you are back on track.

  28. Wow! This is so cute! The cabinet looks wonderful, it will look even more wonderful when you fill it with those tiny beautiful furniture.
