пятница, 27 февраля 2015 г.

Масштаб 1:144. Scale 1:144.

Всем привет!
Как оказалось, мне очень сложно делать масштаб 1:144. Глаза быстро устают.  Очень хочется верить, что я заполню мебелью и разными деталями этот замечательный шкаф. Я сделала комнату на первом этаже и начала заполнять кухню. Вот тут я и заскулила. Баночки с вареньем, кастрюли, чайники! Я закрываю глаза, а перед глазами светится бисер и шарики для ногтей! Спасите!!! 
Я сделала половину кухни! Вы не представляете  как я рада, что закончила делать эту часть. Сейчас начнется этап лепки из полимерной глины! Я люблю лепить!
Фотографировать сейчас очень сложно. Пасмурно. Я отобрала одну десятую часть фотографий, так что не судите строго за качество фотографий!
Hello everyone!
As it turned out, it was very difficult for me to do the scale of 1:144. Eyes get tired quickly. I'd like to believe that I'll fill this wonderful cabinet with furniture and various items. I took a room on the first floor and started to fill the kitchen. Here is where I started whining. Jars with jam, pots, kettles! I close my eyes, and see flickering beads! SOS!!!
I made the half of the kitchen! You can't imagine how glad I was when I finished that part. Now modelling of polymer clay starts! I love to sculpt!
It is very difficult to make photos. Overcast outside. I've selected one-tenth of the photos! So, do not judge strictly for the quality of the photos!

Я желаю всем хороших выходных!
I wish everybody a great weekend!

27 комментариев:

  1. My Dear Tatiana! I can well imagine that your eyes would get tired, not only in making the teeny tiny items but also in placing and arranging them so well on the shelves!:D You canning looks WONDERFUL and the stove with the kettle and the tea pot with the china, and also the pots.... WOW, It all just blows my mind!!!
    YOU have managed to put so much Glorious detail into this minute kitchen, and you have Realized It Beautifully.
    I am so impressed by WHAT you have done and HOW you have done it. Your incredible sculpting skills and ingenuity are made manifest, in this Baby House which is not a "Little Dream" It is BIG!!!

    now go and rest your eyes :))


  2. Татьяна, после столь миниатюрного проекта - уже ничего не будет страшно в миниатюре))) 1:144 это вершина мастерства, я восхищаюсь вашими работами!

  3. I hope you're eyes and you have already recovered a bit - you deserve your rest after all this fabulous work! Your work with this dollhouse cabinet is fabulous and awesome and your kitchen breathtaking. All these dishes and bowls and everything needed... and the flowerpots with paper roses - you're patience and skills have my fullest admiration. Btw - your photos were really good - all the tiny details came up great!


  4. Wow Tatiana! A masterpiece! No wonder your eyes got tired. The results are fabulous. Not only your stunning nano kitchen but the bathroom too. Bravo!
    Hugs, Drora

  5. Dear Tatiana, you have done such perfect work on your teeny tiny kitchen. It's amazing work and the result is absolutely stunning :D!! I think that your eyes deserve now some rest for a while, because it must be so difficult to see what you're doing in this tiny scale.
    You even made flowers in that scale, how fantastic is that...roses in 1:144????
    I've often said that I admire your skills, this time you have overdone yourself.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend with lots of rest ;).
    I thank you for your comment on my blog, it's so sweet of you, thank you :)!
    Hugs, Ilona

  6. Un trabajoincreible, me imagino sus ojos y sus manos , tan diminuto se tiene que escapar, felicidades . Buen fin de semana :-)

  7. Qué bonito y pequeño todo lo que has hecho hasta ahora. Estoy deseando ver el resto.

  8. Батюшки ,как я могла пропустить такой проект!!!! Танечка, сижу с раскрытым ртом и глазам своим не верю, это ж надо такая достоверность в таком масштабе, настоящая волшебница!!!!

  9. Hi Tatiana =0) You make this look so easy though I do not doubt it takes the patience of a Saint with the calmest of hands to get so much detail in it. I would have broken everything by now. And to now sculpt in a tiny size. No wonder your eyes ache. Beautiful work! Have a lovely, restful weekend =0)

  10. You must be exhausted! But what beautiful work you've created! It's such a pleasure to see your tiny things. Great job! xo Jennifer

  11. Te ha quedado preciosa!!!! admiro la paciencia y buen gusto para decorar en una escala tan pequeña!!!

  12. It's amazing to see all the details you've managed to put in such a small scale. Really wonderful!

  13. Wow Tatiana I am not surprised your eyes are tired. Your work on this house is amazing. I love all the tiny details in your fantastic kitchen. It is always a great pleasure to see your amazing work.
    Hugs Maria

  14. Your littlest cabinet house is truly wonderful. I know its so tiny but the details in your work are just stunning!

    I love the furniture and your little cabinets and jars are perfect!

  15. Hello Tatjana,
    I hope you're eyes and you have already recovered a bit. Wow so small.
    You dit a great job.
    Greetings and a hug

  16. Татьяна прекрасная работа!
    Я люблю каждую мелочь! В изразцовые печи люблю !!! Неудивительно, что глаза едва мог!
    дружеские объятия, Anda

  17. The rooms are amazing. I really like the details.

  18. Привет Таня! Восхищаюсь твоей миниатюрой! Все такое маленькое и красивое!!!!!!!!

  19. I understand your eyes get tired, from all small beads and details =) But you have done a fantastic job, so beautiful!!
    Do you have a magnifying glass, maybe that helps =)
    Wish you good luck with the rest, so far it's just great!!

  20. This is so incredible! Your dedication to your craft is incredible! This little cabinet is a treasure that belongs in a museum!

  21. You are always very creative! This is absolutely gorgeous.

  22. Татьяна, давным-давно к вам не заглядывала, а тут такая красотень! :) Очень здорово, так аккуратно все выглядит. Мне до такого таланта в работе с полимерной глиной еще расти и расти! Я даже не представляю, как можно так аккуратно все вылепить - сама делаю по другому - леплю приблизительную форму, а потом уже в запеченном варианте правлю, подрезаю.
    Отличный домик у вас получается!

  23. Привет Даша! Спасибо за коммент. Здесь нет ничего сложного Леплю детальки, потом сажаю на клей. Если есть вопросы, с удовольствием отвечу.
