вторник, 27 марта 2018 г.

Два новогодних румбокса. Часть 4. Two New Year room boxes. Part 4

Привет всем!
Вся история началась с того, что я переделала камин. Камин существует.  Новый румбокс сделан для этого камина! :) :) :) Я румбоксы не воспринимала положительно раньше. Мои миниатюры стояли в серванте. Но  их количество постоянно растет.  Они начинают падать с полок, они начинают куда-то исчезать. Это мне не нравится. Поэтому я так лихо начала Новый год со строительства румбоксов. Это необходимость, чтобы упорядочить миниатюры. Итак!
Этот румбокс сделан так же, как и предыдущие. Румбокс делать не сложно, он достаточно крепкий и легкий.
Hello everybody!
The whole story began with the fact that I remade the fireplace. So, the he fireplace is there. And a new room boх was made for this fireplace! :) :) :) I haven't perceived the room boхes positively before. My miniatures have always been standing in the sideboard. But their number is constantly growing. They start falling off the shelves, they start disappearing somewhere. I do not like it. That's why I started the New Year with the construction of the room boх. This is a necessity that will order my miniatures. So!
This room boх is made in the same way as the previous ones. The room boх is not difficult to make, it is lightweight and strong enough.
Люстра сделана из бисера.
The chandelier is made of beads.

Я оклеила его бумагой, как ранее делала раму.
I pasted it with paper, just as I did it before with the frame.
 Румбокс готов. Теперь очень необходимо сделать кресло для камина. Я недавно купила очень милую ткань с новогодним принтом. Кресло визуализировалось сразу.
The rom box is ready. Now it is very necessary to make a chair for the fireplace. I've recently bought a very cute fabric with a New Year's print. The chair was visualized immediately.
Будущие ножки кресла.
Future chair legs ..
 И последовательность, как я делала кресло.
And here is the photo sequence on how I made the chair.

 Возникла маленькая проблема. Цвет новогодней гирлянды из синельной проволоки не совпадал с цветом новогодних листочков на кресле. Это очень резало глаз. Я решила затонировать немного кресло. 
A small problem appeared. The color of the New Year's garland of chenille wire did not fit the color of New Year's leaves on the chair. This hurt the eyes. I decided to tint the chair a bit.
 Я очень довольна результатом.
I am very pleased with the result.
На заднем плане я добавила красную штору.  Еще я хочу сделать маленькую этажерку. Я хочу добавить много разных мелочей и подарков. Но это потом.
In the background, I added a red curtain. I also want to make a small bookcase. I want to add a lot of different things and gifts. But I'm going to do this later.
 Новогодние носки вышиты Юлей! Удивительная работа!
New Year's socks embroidered by Julia! Awesome work!
 Вот так получились эти два новогодних румбокса!
That's what these two New Years room boхes came out like!
Мой румбокс для фотографирования стоит на подоконнике.  Три сцены созревают в нем! :) :) 
My room box for photo is on the windowsill. Three scenes are ripening in it! :) :):) 

Thanks everyone!

31 комментарий:

  1. Hi Tatiana, What nice work you have done and what a good demonstration of the steps to making the chair. I do admire what you did. Take care, hope Spring is on the way.
    Regards Janine

    1. Thanks for the comment, Janine! I am very pleased! I'm happy that spring is close. :) :) :)
      Regards Tatiana

  2. Que bonitas las escenas tanto las de año nuevo como la otra,has hecho unos grandes trabajos!!!

  3. These finished roomboxes look wonderful, dear Tatiana, you've done a great job! And there's even a new roombox to be finished and almost on the way to your blog ;O! I can't wait to see more of it.
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  4. The room boxes are all very nice.
    I liked the design of the seat fabric.
    Thank you for sharing the construction phases of the seat ...

  5. Beautiful new room boxes! Thank you for the detailed photos. I love the way you frame the boxes.
    Great work, as always!
    Hugs, Drora

  6. Your roomboxes are lovely Tatiana, and I really love the fabric on your chair! It looks fabulous and comfy!

  7. Your two new roomboxes have your Magic Touch Tatiana! I especially like the way you've built the chair and it looks exactly right for sitting next to the fireplace. I also love the tiny stockings on the mantle. :D
    Your kitchen roombox has a quiet warmth to it and lots of natural light which gives your kitchen a peaceful atmosphere. Beautiful Work in both rooms!

    1. Thanks, dear friend! I'm glad that you liked my work. This is not the final version. This is a small stage.
      Have a nice week.

  8. You did a great job with the room boxes. Thank you for sharing how you did it. That chair is awesome!

  9. Your two Christmas roomboxes are wonderful, each with a different style. You did a great job.

    1. Merci beaucoup, Geneviève! Je suis content que tu aies marqué un style différent. Je suis très content!

  10. He seguido con gran interés las tres escenas y son maravillosas.
    Los cuadros son perfectos.
    Un abrazo

  11. I'm somehow sad that you're now finished with introducing your fantastic Christmas roomboxes to us, both turned out awesome. It was great to follow your explanation how you've built this stunning chair. And all the tiny details make it such a cozy and inviting place to be. The glimpse on your other roombox was fascinating, all of the things in there look very promising! ;O)


    1. Thank you, dear Birgit! I am very pleased to read your comment!


  12. Hi Tatiana!
    Your roomboxes are beautiful! I love them all! ♥
    Happy Easter and April!
    Hugs, piikko

  13. These roomboxes are wonderful and full of details.

  14. I really like your new decorative designs! it's beautiful so much and good idea on site.

